How to re-baseline AMTS data back to zero in Delta Watch

This article is a step-by-step guide to re-baselining AMTS data in Delta Watch.

Within "Epochs" (under "Administration" in the lefthand menu), select the appropriate Network, Time start, and Time end on the left.

Open the timestamp of the epoch you wish to "be your zero" (the starting point from which your data will be re-baselined), and highlight "Coordinates," from the left side of the window, as shown below: 

Once "Coordinates" is highlighted, select the "Output coordinates" tab from the right side of the window, and highlight all data you wish to re-baseline to zero, as shown below: 

Right-click, as shown above, anywhere in the highlighted rows, and select "Write coordinates in point definition." 

Finally, you have to manually export the data that you want to re-baseline, by selecting "Import & Export" within "Interfaces" in the lefthand menu: 

Select the appropriate Network by highlighting the row yellow. Click "Manual Export" from the top menu. The "manual export" window will pop up. Make sure the correct information is selected from all the dropdown menus (Select project, sensor type, etc). Adjust "Time start" and "Time end" to cover the entire timeframe you wish to re-baseline. In order to be able to click "OK" to manually export, you'll need to also add a "Start epoch" and "End epoch" by right-clicking within the "Epoch" sub-window, as shown below: