DWeagle2.0 (ARTICLE)








Version 1.02


All files to run DWeagle contained in this Zip.

Setup procedure:

  1. Unzip this file in the location you wish to install DWeagle
  2. Run python-3.7.0.exe to install the Python interpreter. Choose custom install. Make sure to check the box for "add python to PATH". Check the box to set python.exe as the default for .py files.
  3. Double click on setup.py. Wait for installs to complete and Dweagle shortcut to be created on the desktop.
  4. Read the readme.txt for a through explanation of the use of the config file.
  5. Configure config.cfg for your project.
  6. Double click on the desktop shortcut DWeagle.lnk to Run DWeagle.
  7. Each "inputpath" directory must have a subdirectory called "\prcoessed" ex "C:\Data\ProjectName01\Processed\" where "C:\Data\ProjectName01" is the inputpath







Configuration and readme files. View with text editor. Readme.txt contains all instructions to use config.cfg


Python interpreter



The most recent python interpreter for any platform can be downloaded from here. https://www.python.org/downloads/

Dweagle.py was developed in Python3.7. the .exe contained in the .zip should be used in most cases to avoid compatibility issues.

The application runs in the python interpreter environment in windows. Close Python to end the application.




This script runs the Python pip installer to install the external module dependencies for DWeagle.py.


Installs Cryptography to allow python to use encryption.

Installs paramiko to allow for SFTP client connections.

Installs pypwin32 and winshelll for windows shell commands in python.


Creates a desktop shortcut to launch to DWeagle app.





All the good stuff happens here. Setup.py creates desktop shortcut after install, double click to launch application.