DWeagle Setup Walkthrough (VIDEO)

  1. Open the properties of the text file source in Eagle IO and copy the ID code.
  2. Switch to your Delta Watch computer and open the DW Eagle application. Click the Edit Config button.
  3. Copy the last entry from the folder and paste it below. Make sure to remove the very last bracket.
  4. Add a comma to the second to last block.
  5. Change the name to the name of your AMTS.
  6. Switch back to Eagle IO and copy the ID code from the text file source.
  7. Paste the ID code into the Source Parent ID field in Delta Watch.
  8. The API key can be found in the account settings of the project.
  9. Configure the easting, northing, and vertical in the config file. To do this, copy the ID from Eagle IO, switch to Delta Watch, and paste the ID into the corresponding field.
  10. Change the file path in the config file to the location where the data will be exported from Delta Watch.
  11. Save the changes to the config file.
  12. Go to Plugins > JSON Viewer > Show JSON to make sure the JSON file is formatted correctly.
  13. Save the config file and Delta Watch will start loading files from Eagle South.
  14. Switch back to Eagle IO to see the new parameters and readings being inserted.