Delta Watch State plane Coordinate System workflow

How to setup a total station Network in Delta Watch using measured state plane coordinates of all your targets.

  1. Depending on Coordinate system used convert manual survey data into equivalent meters(US survey ft to meters = 1200/3937). Make sure to create a file and use the same naming convention used on the Delta link. This format is an example.
    PointNo.,  Northing(Y), Easting(X),  Elev(Z)

    DMP98-01, 935614.2352, 99968.41082, 160.5628651

    DMP98-02, 935735.6817, 99917.77661, 160.5628651

    DMP98-03, 935677.638, 99976.15394, 160.5628651

    DMP98-04, 935646.2396, 99965.98894, 160.5628651
  2. To add a new total station to an existing project. Networks, Add network, Manual.
  3. Epochs, Choose new network from dropdown, Display. +.
  4. Total station data, load total station measurements. Choose one or more good GKA from initial install date. Calculate, Apply
  5. Coordinates, If using the above manual input, select import coordinates. Follow wizard.
  6. Approximate coords, If using manual, refresh. If using new coord system, hit magic wand then refresh.
  7. Epoch with full timestamp, Calculate horiz and vert adjustment(FREE), check is accepted.
  8. If last step was accepted, coordinates, output coordinates. Write coordinates to point definition.