How to setup a total station Network in Delta Watch using measured state plane coordinates of all your targets.
- Depending on Coordinate system used convert manual survey data into equivalent meters(US survey ft to meters = 1200/3937). Make sure to create a file and use the same naming convention used on the Delta link. This format is an example.
PointNo., Northing(Y), Easting(X), Elev(Z)
DMP98-01, 935614.2352, 99968.41082, 160.5628651
DMP98-02, 935735.6817, 99917.77661, 160.5628651
DMP98-03, 935677.638, 99976.15394, 160.5628651
DMP98-04, 935646.2396, 99965.98894, 160.5628651 - To add a new total station to an existing project. Networks, Add network, Manual.
- Epochs, Choose new network from dropdown, Display. +.
- Total station data, load total station measurements. Choose one or more good GKA from initial install date. Calculate, Apply
- Coordinates, If using the above manual input, select import coordinates. Follow wizard.
- Approximate coords, If using manual, refresh. If using new coord system, hit magic wand then refresh.
- Epoch with full timestamp, Calculate horiz and vert adjustment(FREE), check is accepted.
- If last step was accepted, coordinates, output coordinates. Write coordinates to point definition.